Very Tight Viginas Very Tight!!?

Very tight!!? - very tight viginas

my throat is very narrow and the same thing with my back, I wonder if there is no way a get rid of knots in their way with a massage every month for theropist, but I shook after a few more days please help me ! !


fiveiris... said...

Moist heat is more effective. Microwave a wet cloth and put it on the painful points.

glitter_... said...

Get a heating pad or if it is difficult to invest in the purchase of a TENS unit. Electrode is a unit which sends electrical currents to the body and loosen the knot. (I have a face, but it's worth it). You can wear it while doing your daily activities. It's like a constant massage and acupuncture. You can change the settings for the type of treatment that you want to customize, and the extent of the strike.

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