In a few hours I'm having strabismus surgery for my exotropia in both eyes. I'm scared? - how long is strabismus surgery in toronto
There was once when I was young, and now I'm sixteen and I, this time in both eyes instead of one. I am very nervous and not know what to expect when I wake up. I go to a hospital very well (Stony Brook, Long Iceland, NY), but this is the first operation I had at times I was really nervous.
For those who are from, what strabismus surgery or what is the exotropia not aware of where my left eye and pulls, especially when my glasses when I'm tired or when I'm looking to use remotely. They put me under general anesthetic, then cut the eye muscles and reposition.
Anyone who knows anything about this operation and what they experiencect? Or you can me an idea? I am very nervous and I can not calm myself.
How Long Is Strabismus Surgery In Toronto In A Few Hours I'm Having Strabismus Surgery For My Exotropia In Both Eyes. I'm Scared?
11:24 AM
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